
Monday 20 October 2014

Vegetable - Green Chillies - Health Benefits

Green Chillies

  1. Strengthens immunity to diseases :Chillies helps you open up your blocked nostrils. The Vitamin C in green chillies strengthens your natural immunity to diseases.
  2. Used in Medicines :Green chilli is mainly used as a spice in food, although it is included in some medicines.
  3. Vitamin A and its uses :The most abundant nutrient in green chilli is vitamin A, according to World's Healthiest Foods. The vitamin is a carotenoid, also known as retinal, associated with the antioxidant beta-carotene. Vitamin A is essential for the health and maintenance of bones, teeth, mucous membranes, eyes and skin,
  4. Retina pigmentation :This A vitamin in green chilli is essential for healthy eyes, as it produces retina pigmentation and promotes NIGHT VISION. Vitamin A deficiencies result in weakened vision and immunity.
  5. Anti-oxidant :Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is the second most abundant nutrient in green chilli. It acts as both an antioxidant and a vitamin too.
  6. Essential for :It is essential for the formation of COLLAGEN, scar tissue, ligaments, blood vessels and tendons.
  7. Fight infections :It also helps the body to maintain and repair wounds, bones, teeth and cartilage. As an antioxidant, it strengthens overall health and helps the body fight infections.
  8. Rich in dietary fibre :Green chillies are rich in dietary fibre which is important for a healthy digestive system.
  9. Boon to Diabetics : Green chillies are responsible of reduction in blood sugar levels and can be a boon to DIABETICS.
  10. Good Anti-Depressant :Capsaicin (in green chilli) can be an anti-depressant as it releases endorphins ( hormones for good mood ) into the brain.
  11. Anti-bacterial property :The anti-bacterial property of green chillies help keep our body worm free.
To know More about this Vegetable : Click Here

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