
Tuesday 11 November 2014

Vegetable - Ginger - Health Benefits


  1. Flatulence/wind :Pound a piece of fresh ginger and boil with a cup of water and add a little honey to taste. Drink it twice a day to let off the wind trapped in the intestinal tract.
  2. Digestive disorder : Mix a teaspoonful of young ginger juice with one teaspoonful each of fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice with some honey to taste in a glass of water. Drink to relieve heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Especially helpful after a big meaty meal.
  3. Fatigue :Slice a piece of ginger into disks and boil it with a big glass of water. Add a piece of cinnamon bark, bring to boil and then cover it for about half an hour till it turns to golden colour. Drink it to relieve fatigue when recovering from fever. It also relieves muscle pain and soreness.
  4. Medicinal values :
    • Ginger root slices, boiled in water with lemon or orange juice, and honey, is a popular herbal drink in ayurvedic medicine to relieve common cold, cough, and sore throat.
    • Its extraction is used as a vehicle to mask bitterness and after-taste in traditional ayurvedic preparations.
    • Gingerols increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and have analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties. Studies have shown that it may help reduce nausea caused by motion sickness or pregnancy and may relieve migraine.
  5. Morning sickness : A teaspoonful of young ginger juice with some honey will also help alleviate morning sickness, sea or motion sickness, dizziness and even nausea caused by chemotherapy or anaesthesia.
  6. Anti-coagulant :Add ginger in most of your cooking or add a teaspoonful of young ginger juice in your beverages to enjoy the anticoagulant properties of ginger. It helps make blood platelets less sticky which in turn reduces your risk of atherosclerosis.
  7. Impotency :Believe it or not! Mix a teaspoonful of young ginger juice to a half-boiled egg and a teaspoonful of honey. Take this concoction on an empty stomach, every night for a month. It helps to counter impotency, premature ejaculation and increase sperm count.
  8. Cold :Cut up a small piece of old ginger and boil it with a small cup of pure drinking water. Add some green tea leaves if you wish. Strain and drink when hot. Effective if you also have fever resulting from the cold. You may also drink this concoction if you feel a cold coming.
  9. Cough : Drink ginger juice with raw honey three to four times a day for a bad throat. It is soothing and helps clear up phlegm. If it’s a dry cough, use the young ginger. If there is phlegm, use the old ginger.
  10. Inflammation : The anti-inflammatory (gingerols) and anti-oxidant properties in ginger help relieve various inflammatory disorders like gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. It provides substantial relief in pain caused by inflammation and help decrease swelling and morning stiffness.
  11. Aphrodisiac effect :A natural aphrodisiac, this might be the better substitute to viagra! Drink hot ginger tea (by mixing ginger juice, hot water and raw honey) after a not-too-heavy meal and see it work!
  12. Menstruation disorder :Pound a piece of young ginger and boil with a cup of water and add a little honey to taste. Drink it hot two or three times a day for a month. The pain-relieving and anti-cramping compounds in ginger effectively help relieve painful menstruation cramps (dysmenorrhoea). In the absence of menstruation in women in the reproductive age (amenorrhoea), this concoction can also help induce menstruation.
  13. Pain killer : Ginger juice makes an excellent pain killer, even when applied externally. In headache, apply ginger juice to the forehead. With toothache, apply it to the external area either on the cheek or jaw area.
  14. Fever :young ginger brings down body temperature as in the case of fever. Whereas the old (dryer) ginger brings up the body temperature as in the case of a cold and suitable during winter. When going on an extended juice feasting,
  15. Other benefits :
    • May prevent motion sickness.
    • Can help to quell nausea
    • Ginger wine may help to relieve menstrual cramps.
    • May reduce inflammation of arthritis and lupus.
To know More about this Vegetable : Click Here

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