
Thursday, 16 October 2014

Vegetable - Chayote / Chayoti - Health Benefits

Chayote / Chayoti

  1. Energizes the body :Start your day with a breakfast of chayote omelet. Its manganese content helps the body convert protein and fat to energy.
  2. Chances to prevent cancer :Vitamin C is known as one of the powerful antioxidants, substances that may protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Studies suggest that antioxidants may slow or possibly prevent cancer development.
  3. Helps prevent acne :It is a good source of zinc, a mineral which has shown to influence hormones which controls the production of oil in the skin.
  4. Prevents bone loss :Tell grandma to eat chayote for a natural supply of vitamin K. Studies revealed a connection between vitamin K and osteoporosis.
  5. Good for the brain :Study participants have shown that vitamin B6 helps improve memory performance in some age groups.
  6. Eases tired and heavy legs : Tired and heavy legs are the body’s signal that it needs more potassium. Have some potassium-rich foods to prevent this condition.
  7. Keeps thyroid healthy : It helps iodine in keeping the thyroid healthy by providing copper, a mineral linked in thyroid metabolism, especially in hormone production and absorption.
  8. Guard against constipation : Need more fiber? Promote bowel regularity by adding this vegetable to your diet.
  9. Helps prevent acne :It is a good source of zinc, a mineral which has shown to influence hormones which controls the production of oil in the skin.
To know More about this Vegetable : Click Here

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