
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Vegetable - Snake Gourd - Other Tips

Nature Fitness

Snake Gourd

  1. How to Select :
    • When you visit the marketplaces to purchase the snake gourd, don't be misleaded and purchase old, stagnant as well as unhealthy veggies. Be sure that the snake gourd is good, strong aA personnd rounded at its edges. The color shouldn’t be too dark it must be kept to the lighter tones of green. Additionally, attempt to obtain the healthy, well shaped parwals, and never the water-soaked, wrinkled ones. You should never forget that the thinner the snake gourd is, the lesser amount of seeds it’ll contain. Therefore, choose the best ones, so as to appreciate its delightful flavour.
  2. Cooking tips :
    • Pick snake gourd that looks fresh, green, and feels soft but firm when pressed.
    • Cook snake gourd with the peel. Tender snake gourds don't have any seeds, but slightly mature ones do; remove the seeds for a better taste.
    • Check for bitterness if the snake gourd is mature.
    • Wrap in plastic or place in a plastic bag and refrigerate to keep fresh for 4-5 days.
To know More about this Vegetable : Click Here

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