
Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Fruit - Jackfruit


PrincipleNutrient Value(100g)Percentage of RDA
Energy95 Kcal5%
Carbohydrates23.5 g18%
Protein1.72 g3%
Total Fat0.64 g3%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
DietaryFiber1.5 g4%
Folates24 µg6%
Niacin0.920 mg6%
Pyridoxine0.329 mg25%
Riboflavin0.055 mg 4%
Thiamin0.105 mg9%
Vitamin A110 IU3.5%
Vitamin C13.7 mg23%
Vitamin E0.34 mg2%
Sodium3 mg0%
Potassium303 mg6.5%
Calcium34 mg3.4%
Iron0.60 mg7.5%
Magnesium37 mg9%
Manganese0.197 mg 8.5%
Phosphorus36 mg5%
Phosphorus21 mg3%
Selenium 0.6 mg1%
Zinc0.42 mg4%
Carotene-ß61 µg--
Crypto-xanthin-ß5 µg--
Lutein-zeaxanthin157 µg--

  1. Provides Instant Energy:100 g of edible jackfruit bulbs provide 95 calories. The fruit is made of soft, easily digestible flesh (bulbs) with simple sugars like fructose and sucrose that when eaten replenishes energy and revitalizes the body instantly.
  2. Combat Cancer:Jackfruit is rich in dietary fiber, which makes it a good bulk laxative. The fiber content helps to protect the colon mucous membrane by decreasing exposure time and as well as binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon.
    Fresh fruit has small amounts of vitamin-A, and flavonoid pigments such as carotene-ß, xanthin, lutein and cryptoxanthin-ß. Together, these compounds play vital roles in antioxidant and vision functions. Vitamin A is also required for maintaining integrity of mucus membranes and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin-A, and carotenes has been found to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
  3. Improves immune System:Jackfruit is a good source of antioxidant vitamin-C, provides about 13.7 mg or 23% of RDA. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radicals
  4. Controls BP and Heart rate:Fresh fruit is a good source of potassium, magnesium, manganese, and iron. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
  5. Healthy Eyes:Jackfruit contains Vitamin A, an important nutrient for eye health. It increases eye vision and protect from free radicals. As it is a rich source of other antioxidants, thus it is highly effective to prevent degeneration of the retina. So jackfruit protect from cataract and macular degeneration.
  6. Anti Aging:Ageing is caused to natural factor like increase in age. But due to pollution, UV radiation and smoke ageing process has been stimulated at an early age and it is faster than natural. The main cause of ageing is free radical produced in our body due to high oxidative stress caused due to pollution. But antioxidants have proven to destroy these free radicals to slow the ageing process. It has also been found that people eating high antioxidant foods have slow ageing effect than natural. So jackfruit proves best food to slow the ageing process than natural. Also eating jackfruit keeps skin moisture level high and protect from skin diseases.
  7. Asthma:Jackfruit has been proved beneficial to asthma patients.
  8. Anemia:Jackfruit contains vitamins like Vitamin A, C, E, K, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and minerals like copper, manganese and magnesium which are important for blood formation. Also due to rich Vitamin C, jackfruit increases body capacity to absorb iron. Thus it is effective to prevent and cure anemia.
  9. Ulser:Jackfruit is rich with anti-oxidants and phytonutrients. This would treat cancer in the individual. Phytonutrients can reduce the cell damage happening in cancer patients. Phytonutrients also help treat degenerative diseases. Jackfruit is also found to be curing ulcer. Eating jackfruit would thus give you multiple benefits.
  10. Heating or warming food:Jackfruit is a fruit that can be eaten on all seasons. It would not heat or cool your body. You can eat jackfruit even when you run a fever. It would help you recover soon. Jackfruit is a nutritious food for children and pregnant women.
  11. Maintain a normal Thyroid:Jack-fruit is loaded with this crucial micromineral such as Copper which plays a vital role in increasing rate of metabolism and maintain a normal thyroid. Especially in assimilation and hormone production.
  12. Sexual Pleasure:Jackfruit seeds can be roasted like chestnut. These roasted seeds are considered to be an aphrodisiac which stimulates sexual pleasure.
  13. Pregnancy:Most experts recommend not eating jackfruit during pregnancy, simply because of a lack of scientific evidence about its safety during pregnancy. The popular myth among pregnant women is that eating jackfruit during pregnancy may induce a miscarriage. This, however, is not true. It is always advisable to eat this fruit in limited quantities because it contains powerful laxative properties that may cause diarrhea in pregnant women and hamper the health of both the mother and the child. Jackfruit, like most fruits, is loaded with nutrients that may actually be beneficial during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  1. Anti Aging Mask:If you want to lessen the wrinkles on your face, take the seed of a Jack fruit and leave it in cold milk for some time. Then grind it smoothly and apply it on your facial wrinkles. Make sure to do this regularly if you want to reduce wrinkles. This is one of the chief jack fruit seeds benefits that help to keep you looking younger.
    Jackfruit can also counteract the appearance of wrinkles. If used regularly, the jackfruit is mask is given an extra milk can give positive results for the health of the skin in four weeks.
  2. Face Mask - Oily Skin:Jackfruit Blend until smooth. Add a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mask to your entire face and neck. Let sit for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pat-Pat face dry.
  3. Sun tan tanned or used on the skin:Former tanned skin is often caused by exposure to sunlight. Jack fruit puree and mix with a little lemon juice. Repeat this treatment every week for a month.
  4. Damanged Skin:Jackfruit is good for skin care as it can reduce the stain. Vitamin C is present in fruits jackfruit can also repair skin cells are damaged
  5. Skin pigmentation:Pigmentation around mouth and Chin is a common skin problem among women. Jackfruit can lighten skin pigmentation and restore the original color of your skin. Puree the jackfruit and the jerky to entire face. Massage the skin around the mouth gently for 5 minutes in a circular motion. Rinse off after only 10 minutes.
  6. Dry Skin:For the treatment of dry skin, jackfruit is the best fruit to get skin that is soft and chewy. Use jackfruit as a mask to your face. Once dry, rinse your face with a cup of water mixed with milk to get perfect results.
  1. Diabetes patient:It may alter the tolerance levels of glucose in diabetes patients.
  2. Pollen allergies:Jackfruits may cause an allergic reaction in people suffering from birch pollen allergies.
  3. The seeds of jackfruit may have an immunostimulative effect in patients undergoing immunosuppression therapy or patients with tissue transplants.
  4. Pregnancy:Those trying to get pregnant should avoid jackfruit as it may inhibit sexual arousal, libido, performance, and vigor in men.
    Jackfruit is not recommended in pregnant or breastfeeding women due to a lack of available scientific evidence. Although not well studied in humans, jackfruit seeds may transiently inhibit libido, sexual arousal, sexual vigor, and sexual performance (induce mild erectile dysfunction). However, jackfruit seeds do not appear to alter ejaculating competence or fertility.
  1. Season Available:Jackfruit is the summer season fruit that coincides with other tropical commoners like mango, durian and mangosteen.
  2. Selection:buy the fruit that emits mild yet rich flavor and just yields to thumb pressure. Thorn like projections becomes soft in the ripened fruit.
  3. Storing:Once ripen, the fruit deteriorates rather quickly unless stored in the refrigerator.
  4. Serving:The fruit is cut in a similar fashion like other larger fruits like watermelon. White, gummy latex oozes from the cut ends even in ripen fruit but to a lesser extent than in the unripe ones. The latex problem can be overcome by applying little coconut oil on the hands while separating bulbs since protective gloves would not help.
    Another great way of dealing with this problem is mopping or rubbing the cut sections with lemon slice. The thick rind that runs through the middle of the fruit is then removed, and the whole section is gently twisted few turns in order to loosen individual bulbs.
    Each edible bulb is made of thick orange-yellow flesh; cut open it with small knife or split the bulb with fingertips vertically. Inside each bulb, you find thick light brown color seed; keep it aside and enjoy the delicious flesh (sheath).
  5. Safety:
  6. Cooking Tips:
    1. Jackfruit slices, mixed with grated coconut, honey and banana slices and relished in one of the wonderfully delicious preparations commonly served on festive occasions in southern parts of India.
    2. The fruit is also used in jam, jelly and dessert preparations.
    3. Fruit slices are a great addition to fruit salad.
    4. Jackfruit seeds are a good source of protein and minerals; used like vegetables and pulses in curry (sabzee) preparation in several Asian countries.
    5. Unripe green fruit is used like vegetable in the preparation known as "kathal sabzee" in some North Indian states.

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