
Friday 24 October 2014

Vegetable - Sweet Potato - Other tips

Nature Fitness

Sweet Potato

  1. Selection :
    • When buying sweet potatoes, go for the darker variety if available. The darker it is the higher the carotene content.Choose sweet potatoes that are firm and not wrinkled.
    • Avoid those that has a green discolouration that indicates the presence of a toxic substance called solanine.
  2. Cooking :You can prepare sweet potatoes in ways similar to preparing potatoes. The skin contains the most nutrition so try not to peel off the skin. Give it a good scrub with a vegetable brush. Try steaming it, cool it, and run it through your food processor to make a nutritious smoothie, mixing with yogurt, honey and flaxseed oil.
  3. Storage :Store sweet potatoes in the open, in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place, not wrapped up in plastic bags, and not in the refrigerator. They can keep up to ten days.
To know More about this Vegetable : Click Here

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